Aidan Kelley, 17 years old, will graduate from Vail Christian High School (VCHS) in May of this year, bound for Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University’s Daytona Beach Florida Campus this fall. Aidan attributes his acceptance to Embry-Riddle “Because of the Eagle Aviators program.”

Like most Eagle-Vail families, his parents chose to raise their children in this valley because of the lifestyle and opportunity offered. The Eagle Aviators program is a classic example of the high caliber stem programs offered to our children. His mother is from Maine and his father is from Rhode Island and both own businesses contributing to the economic engine of the valley.

Classes that inspired Aidan at VCHS include Principles to Engineering and Introduction to Engineering.  His stepbrother introduced Aidan to Eagle Aviators and since then he committed himself to participate in the program offering hands on experience with a team of students, adult professionals, and aviation enthusiasts as they have been steadily working to build a Hatz Biplane.  “I love working with my hands and being able to put a headset on while working on the plane,” said the young aviation enthusiast.

Embry-Riddle offers an Aerospace Engineering and High Horsepower Engineering track. Aidan spent the summer during COVID working on modifications to a jeep and has two dreams — working on race cars and possibly on airplanes. “I am entering Embry-Riddle as an undeclared major at this point,” said Aidan.  He went on to explain he plans to join various clubs in his first years at college to help guide him toward a career path that inspires him. “Eagle Aviators is glad to have planted what we hope is the mustard seed for an aviation career,” expressed David Fiore who serves on the Board of Directors for Eagle Aviators and serves the Federal Express Corporation in a Sr. Airport Affairs role.

Aiden is on VCHS’s Nordic State Championship team after competing to reach the top 40% of racers across the state. In a recent competition he placed about 30th out of an approximate 100 racers. He plans to join the volleyball team at VCHS this spring before jetting off to Embry-Riddle this fall. Aidan expressed, “I hope to get my private pilot’s license through Eagle Aviators this summer but, if not, that may be possible when I am at college.”

Eagle Aviators wishes one of our first participants great success as he finds a path to make a difference in the world. We do hope, of course, to see him making a difference in aviation.